Curated Content for the Busy
Kelli Macatee's Curated Content for the Busy Podcast
Persona of Love

Persona of Love

I have found that places and spaces will take on a persona and so does Love. But what exactly is the Persona of Love? Tune in for more!

Love is an interesting concept that can so easily get clouded and confused. I personally had a lot to learn about the tangible, tactile, real definition of Love as opposed to chemistry or some etherial, pie in the sky, unattainable definition. I found that it is largely behavioral and a choice. Wait, a choice? Yes—I find myself having to choose Love over fear or hate a million times a day, but the more I choose the pathway of Love, the easier it gets.

The cultural messages around Love are so jacked up and that jacked me up even more. It took me some time to get it all figured out, but I have found such peace in truly understanding that Love can be seen and observed and felt and chosen. Love is patient, it is kind, it is not arrogant or rude, it is not boastful, it bares all things. True Love never ends and is behavioral. This was something I was very interested in understanding more about! Listen for more on this very interesting and useful topic!

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Curated Content for the Busy
Kelli Macatee's Curated Content for the Busy Podcast
Kelli Macatee Curated Content for the Busy from the perspective the 7 Mind Molding Mountains of Cultural Influence. As we all watch our culture shift and change at a rapid pace, we have to have more reasonable, rational voices out there willing to wade into the murky waters. Here we hit all 7 Mountains in the context of our everyday lives and what's going on in the world. We look at the macro and the micro, all with the hopes of activating and calling forth YOUR beautiful gifts and abilities that the world desperately needs.