Voter Guide & Truth Telling under the Governance Mountain
As a citizen, it's so very difficult to sort through all the madness. I just want to vote well, but how?
VOTING is serious business that effects the generations. We must understand who and what we are voting for.
I highly suggest voting on VOTING DAY, Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Lines aren’t bad and who knows, you might meet someone new!
In this article:
How do I know who to vote for? 🙇🏻♀️
Connecting some dots, some resources, and spotting conspiracies. 🔴 ⎼ 🔵 ⎼ ⚪️
Boiling it down. 🥵
Election Integrity: Real or Imagined? 🤔
So how do I know what’s true and who to vote for?
I can’t tell you how to vote. But I can give you some high level principles and share with you some of my approaches.
Below are some suggested tips in terms of knowing how to make your choices. I always highly suggest doing your own due diligence, but candidly, it can be challenging and time consuming. Here are a few high level principles to consider no matter what county in the country you’re voting in….
This nation is a Constitutional Republic, it is NOT a true democracy. Few countries are a true democracy because it is a nice theory that doesn’t work well in reality. I’m so sick of partisan politics and buzz words, I could just puke. 🤢 Theory sucks if it doesn’t work in reality.
The parties care about teams and their own party—that does NOT translate to good for The PEOPLE, it translates to whatever is good for the party at all costs. No thanks.
That said, in all my research, the current system requires a candidate to identify with a party. Please go look for yourself at the party platforms (links below).
There are two potential party platforms that are on record as trying to uphold the Constitution of the United States in the form of a Constitutional Republic and not fundamentally change this nation and morph it into a democracy that benefits an elite few at the cost of the collective whole: Republican and Libertarian.
It’s actually embedded in the words themselves: Republican is rooted in the Republic, states rights, individual property rights, and limited government. Libertarian is rooted in individual liberty. Democratic is rooted in ideas of a pure democracy, which is fundamentally not a Constitutional Republic. Obviously there are a lot more nuances to these words and ideas, but you get the gist.
Thanks to a recent meeting of the amazing K. Karl Smith, I now think of myself as a Frederick Douglass Republican. If you haven’t read any of Frederick Douglass’s stuff you should. He is a brilliant former slave who stood for American values through and through—even when a select few wicked Americans were abusive to him. He rose above all that nastiness and stood firm for the American ideals that he knew were for everyone, regardless of skin color. These are human issues, not race issues.
That fact is still true today.
While I personally like many professing Democrats and am even in agreement with a few Democratic policies and ideas, I cannot in good conscious vote for a registered Democrat until the party platform comes into line with the ideas and ideals of our Constitutional Republic. That leaves me two possible options at this moment.
If you add to the published Democratic party platform , longtime Democrats who are leaving the party, like Tulsi Gabbard, it’s a powerful message for those of us fairly far away from what’s really happening. Her testimony on what she has experienced on the inside is very powerful. Don’t miss her article on Why I’m Leaving the Democratic Party.
Also, please understand that there are RINO (Republican in Name Only), big government “Republicans” as well. These are known as Socialist RINO’s who care about and advance big government policies and do so under the name and auspices of “Republican ideas and ideals.” Their actions tell quite a different story than their words. Because of this great deception, I tend to like the scrappy, clearly open and honest types like Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis. In contrast, people like Mitt Romney, Dick and daughter Liz Cheney and the like, clearly have another dog in the hunt and it ain’t for my good. To me, it’s clear as day that they care about their own hide and that’s pretty much it. To an extent, most humans do, but some are better at fulfilling oaths of office than others.
Please read party platforms (links below) and read the fine print and don’t get sidetracked by fancy, patriotic language. Understand that a platform is that which they all vote on and it becomes the official party set of ideals and agendas. Which means, if anyone in that party is NOT for any particular official platform ideal, they are pressured to come into line with it, whether they like it or not.
Democratic Party Platform (Actual Platform PDF HERE)
Libertarian Party Platform (Actual Platform PDF HERE)
Republican Party Platform (Actual Platform PDF HERE)
This is the machine that pressures all elected people (along with lobbyists and special interest groups) and their non-elected staff to fall into line with parties not necessarily the Constitution or their constituents. The pressure is fierce and it takes a special person to be able to withstand that kind of thing. Anyone considered too much of a “wild card” is marginalized, ignored, stonewalled, and hot boxed. BUT, if those people have the support of THE PEOPLE behind them, we can help give them courage.
It is my personal opinion that all career politicians must GO. Many will wildly disagree with me because they fear the government won’t work. Well, it’s not working in a lot of ways now. We need real people who have been out there building real things to go in and do a full on make-over to take us into the modern age. Back to basics. It’s real simple. Keep the good and what’s working, throw out the bad, impotent, and corrupt. Things are often not as complicated as some make it.
Here’s the sticky wicket: there is still a lot of good going on in our counties. We need not throw the baby out with the bathwater. All we need is the right leadership and proper citizen accountability. How hard can that be?! 😉 🤪
For the best “visual” of what has happened over time, I highly recommend Michael Franzese’s latest book: Mafia Democracy: How Our Republic Became a Mob Racket. Knowing this, it’s quite literally all fixable.
Connecting Dots
Allow me to connect some dots….WHY is it so important for citizens to know each of the candidates, the roles they are running for, and what skillset is needed for that position? And what really matters in terms of a person’s ability to perform in a position?
Does it only matter because they run our counties, state, and nation and decide how much tax we’ll pay? Or is there something bigger going on? Something deeper and more insidious that we as citizens will be held responsible for before God Himself? Do I get to stand before God and say, “I didn’t know they were so deceitful Lord?” Or is it up to me to do my own healing work so that I can see clearly and make decisions as clearly as at all possible?
In observing “politics,” half the time I feel like I’m watching a soccer match where one guy flops and flails, dramatically waving at the referee to call a foul when the other dude barely touched him. It’s all such silliness.
I think we can all get over wanting our leaders to be perfect, we already know they’re not. We need the right knowledge, skills, abilities, and a decisive nature to be able to make tough decisions under pressure. Some personalities can do that well and other's can’t.
I think we can also get over not “liking” someone who’s a candidate. I don’t have to work with them—most of these people I’ll never actually even meet. Shoot, I don’t even have to listen to their speeches if I don’t want to—I want someone who has a proven track record of producing good things for society. Besides, anyone who can manage large scale organizations to produce a positive outcome (in business that’s usually profits and a good work environment), usually has a prickly personality. It’s usually what it requires to make tough decisions under tremendous pressure and still keep a cool head to actually make the decision.
TRUTH is Coming Out, No Doubt
As strange, sometimes heinous and wretched, as the last few years have been, there has been one single thing that has globally been a good thing: TRUTH.
Truth has been revealed on a micro and macro level. We’ve discovered who our true friends are and who we genuinely want to spend time with and who we don’t. We’ve discovered what truly matters and what doesn’t. We’ve discovered what needs to be dealt with in ourselves, our marriages, our children, our schools, and we’ve discovered what people truly believe and what they don’t. This is absolutely the first step to resolute, abiding healing and has been true in my own life.
For a lot of us, it’s been a respite from the grind of the whip of “productivity” and overwhelming, soul crushing activity, but for those caught in abusive situations, it’s been outright hell on steroids. We must be mindful of this reality.
Most of all, we’ve been able to very clearly see on a global scale precisely who our politicians really are and who the unelected bureaucrats are in the shadows actually running things. It’s real clear who is honest and candid at the “pulpit” of politics and news and who has memorized a script or is operating under delusion or partisan politics.
DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE: The Real Anthony Fauci. I have seen it and it’s incredible. Make time for it and share it. It is a perspective that must be considered.
It’s based on Robert F. Kennedy’s recent best selling book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, despite being utterly blackballed by all press outlets. If you aren’t folding in multiple sources of news, that include sources you tend to not agree with, you’re getting a very, very narrow and often tainted viewpoint.
The relationship between positions of government power and “the money people” or businesses is as old as the day is long. There is literally nothing new under the sun. These “deals” have been happening for centuries. Government contracts, rules, laws, regulations, who’s in office and so on decides who wins big and who doesn’t. This is true of all nations throughout history.
The Real Anthony Fauci Movie is not only about wretched COVID that robbed our families, children, and economies. This traces the roots of how big government, big pharma, big business, and government agencies have worked together behind the scenes to accomplish unthinkable things right under our noses and behind closed doors without our knowledge. This is NOT conspiracy stuff so don’t for one second let anyone bully you in that way. This is WELL DOCUMENTED and SOURCED information from multiple sources across disciplines and across countries. We can no longer afford to have our head in the sand.
The only difference today is the scale and the magnitude. Same song, millionth verse. There are systems that feed each other and have been perfected on a large scale. Many are unequivocally crimes against humanity while putting forth a facade of “caring” or “philanthropy.” While I pray that every person on the planet would come into a saving faith relationship with Jesus, the Savior of the world and the human soul, it’s time for due process to do its work and bring justice for us all, regardless of what you believe. I’ve got a great prison ministry that can go minister to anyone who needs to go to jail once they’re safe and sound on “the inside.”
How do I know all this is not conspiracy? Not only have I experienced and seen first hand this massive system at work in both the clinical world & the business world, when you start seeing the same information from multiple, unrelated sources, it’s time to start paying attention and start asking questions.
Conspiracy stuff is nebulous. Conspiracy lines of thinking are similar to listening to a “psychic” or con artist who speaks in generalities that could be true for a large portion of people and then gets angry when you challenge what they’re saying. There is often repeated, incendiary verbiage that seeks to distract or activate human emotion in such a way that they can manipulate an outcome. Conspiracy stuff cannot name names and provide verifiable proof. Conspiracy stuff puts off a feeling and often prompts faceless and nebulous fear and paranoia. Proof and facts produce an entirely different feeling all together.
Innocent until proven guilty. All of us have treaded on dangerous ground to where we carry this mindset that everyone is guilty before proven innocent. In this nation, that’s backwards. It’s one thing to not agree with someone or to decide you don’t want to work with them, it is quite another thing to charge someone as “guilty.” Evidence is one thing, conjecture is quite another. All of us have to get better at this.
Well Sourced Material is key. Dr. Peter R. Breggin and his wife, Ginger Ross Breggin wrote in 2021 a deeply sourced book called COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey that maps out how large amounts of money and resources are funneled globally and it is not for the good of humanity. The idea of having well sourced material is that anyone who wants to follow the trail and make their own decisions can. That’s the entire point of properly sourcing things—it can be verified by multiple people. That’s what makes the Bible so compelling—that is a document written by multiple people (who often did not get along or agree) spanning many ages of time and it all says the same thing: The Living God is worthy, holy, and capable, humans are not. Humans tend to make a royal mess out of things, even when intentions are sincere.
I started seeing this system of corruption in the dark markets (quite literally all things are commodities—from children to animals to organs to license plates) first hand 15 years ago in my masters program for clinical psychology. I felt so powerless. But it was my first glimpse into this world and yes it’s nasty and worse than our minds can conceive. THE ONLY ANTIDOTE IS FOR THE PEOPLE TO RISE UP AND UNITE and demand enforcement of the law. There are more of us than there are of them. We might even need to get well-versed on how citizen arrests work because law enforcement has more work to do than people to do it!
We do not need violence. Many of our laws are good—we need enforcement. No more loop holes. No more legalese and posturing. No more technicalities. No more legal gymnastics and delaying. NO MORE MAFIA type antics. The LORD rebuke you! Get OUT of our land and our people!
THERE IS HOPE! No matter what you’ve done or left undone…no matter what you’ve believed or not believed…THERE IS FORGIVENESS IN JESUS! We are talking, TOTAL AND COMPLETE BEAUTIFUL FORGIVENESS! All you have to do is ask The God of the Universe to forgive you and show you a new way.
We must not continue in our wicked ways but receive the forgiveness of God Himself and then choose a new path in Him that I promise you provides treasure beyond what this world can ever offer us. Money and power is not all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips and it certainly isn’t worth selling your soul to the devil himself. We must confess to God (and possibly others) the truth that He already knows: every single one of us falls short of the glory of God. Every single one of us is capable of wretched, hurtful things. GOD IS THE ONLY ONE who isn’t and HE saw fit, even while we were His enemies to come to us, to leave the Glorious Throne in Heaven and be born as a helpless baby, basically in the dirt (a manger). to live the life of sinlessness that you and I just can’t do. He also came to conquer death and sin, another thing you and I simply cannot do. We must not miss this!
LET US FIND THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND BECAUSE HIS WRATH IS COMING and it is coming in a fierce way against such things that Robert Kennedy’s movie outlines. Not enough people give credence to the wrath of God and it will be so fierce and so powerful, humans do not have the language available to describe what it will be like. The wrath of God makes all else look like a gnat up against a category 5 Hurricane.
Unrelated People and Resources who are saying the same thing worthy of consideration…
In a lot of cases, these people have found each other simply by the fact that they have been willing to courageously step out and speak the TRUTH and they have been vilified, marginalized, and utterly character assassinated for their willingness. These are not foolish, incompetent people. These are rock solid, well respected people within their field of expertise.
Sidney Powell: Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice
Michael Franzese: Mafia Democracy: How Our Republic Became a Mob Racket
Dr. Peter R. Breggin & Ginger Ross Breggin: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey
Y’all, this is a short list of highly referenced material chronicling this mess that we find ourselves in. BUT WE HAVE HOPE! Our laws are good. We need enforcement and a complete dissolution of all legal loop holes that allow corruption, crime, and lawlessness on all levels to thrive.
Boiling it down:
I cannot do a dad-burn-thing (as my mother says) about corrupt governments, global espionage, the hearts & minds of modern day robber barons, or the behaviors and habits of the human race.
All I can do is do is love The Lord my God and my husband, properly love and raise my child, love on my family, friends, and neighbors, and do my work with excellence.
In terms of being an excellent citizen, the least I can do is come up with a process to research and get to know my local candidates as much as possible so that I’m using my “voice” in the form of my vote to ensure liberty and justice for all through those people. If they’re lying or they end up getting “in” and become part of the problem, then it’s my job not to vote for them again and hold them accountable however is appropriate, but the rest is on them.
This is NOT about politics! This is about our way of life! True issues of governance have been hijacked by politics to keep you and me out of it. Listen here as I discuss how issues of governance are about SO MUCH MORE than we tend to think they are and why it matters to every single one of us.
*Podcasts available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Substack. Just search for Kelli Macatee!
Election Integrity: Real or Imagined?
Any reasonable human being understands that all systems need proper oversight and management. We also understand that every once in a while, systems need a deep dive audit and corrections made.
For example, my personal system at home for mail assimilation, at times, needs tightening up to deal with human error, apathy, incompetence (I often don’t know how to make decisions on my mail!), and those times I walk off with something and then cannot find it for the life of me.
Systems and processes always need shoring up. Thankfully, my personal mail system doesn’t have enemies of the state and Mark and Jordan couldn’t care less about my mail system, other than they pray I don’t bark at them about something concerning the mail and the mess it makes in my house!
Unfortunately, our nation does have enemies of the state and those enemies will use known human behavior as a tool to exploit and manipulate however they can. In order to mitigate and minimize risk for both human error and apathy and the pesky enemies of the state, the solutions are very simple:
America votes on ONE day that is made a National Holiday. Any American who wants to be a poll watcher, election judge, poll greeter, etc. can do so. It can be a big, community party similar to the 4th of July and it should. We should have job descriptions for each job people are running for and clear resumes with references. Pretty simple.
Eliminate mail in voting except in the most extreme cases and implement rock solid protocols out of ONE office for all mail in voting that has deep checks and balances.
Return to Paper Ballots. With so many Americans able to help ensure FREE and FAIR elections, we’ll have plenty of people to count, verify, and recount ballots. We need to get away from the expectation of immediacy anyway. I’m perfectly happy to wait a couple of days to know the results if it ensures FREE and FAIR and TRUE election results.