Battle for Good Health: MAHA
My passion for the MAHA movement is rooted in my own personal health hell and the forced journey to be my own health advocate. I WANTED to believe the "experts," but they weren't equipped to help.
Having chronic, unknown health problems is overwhelming, frustrating, debilitating, discouraging, and often feels hopeless. My personal battle for good health has been long, enduring, arduous, and fraught with unending challenges. I’ve spent countless hours in doctors offices and untold money only to get worse. Let’s just say that when I watch Lord of the Rings, I can identify with how hard Frodo’s journey to Mordor and back is because I can draw from my health struggles. Thankfully, I have finally found my way and have experienced tremendous healing, but I had to be tenacious and unyielding in the fight to find my healing.
Make America Healthy Again
That’s the reason I’m soooo very grateful and passionate about the Make America Healthy Again movement and I’m SO THANKFUL & GRATEFUL for the leaders and subject matter experts who are coming to the forefront and blowing the whistle on so many things in America that breed chronic sickness, especially in our children.
I spent the entire first half of my life at “the best” doctors from general internists, gastrointestinal specialists, endocrinologists, OBGYN’s, neurologists, and so forth. None of them could help me in any meaningful way. My stomach issues started very young and no one had any meaningful interventions or things to try. I believe it was vaccine injury, but there’s no way to prove that now.
I’d go in with symptoms of constant, chronic nausea, chronic sinus infections, severe endometriosis and then later infertility, migraines, severe fatigue, stubborn weight that was more akin to inflammation and water weight than actual fat, severe sensitivity to heat, intense bowel pain, frankly the pesky symptoms were endless. Then later, a constant feeling like I had little needles flowing through my veins. You should see the doctors’ face when I said THAT one! I felt like I constantly had the flu, but no fever and even when I’d go get tested for the flu it would be negative. I clearly had some sort of chronic, systemic infection of some kind, but no one could help me. Later, come to find out I had heavy metal poisoning, a deeply entrenched blood yeast infection, leaky gut syndrome, and general metabolic dysfunction.
We know more about these issues now, but when I was young, people just thought you were crazy. Like the Freudian days when they couldn’t explain something they just blanket called it “hysteria.” I wonder how many women had malnutrition, leaky gut, and heavy metal poisoning that they just called a “hysterical woman?” “Oh, we don’t know what to do with you so we’re just going to call you crazy and demean you.” Now we know that diet and lack of exercise can increase anxiety and depression—which of course it does. We are wholistic beings: we are a spirit, we live in a body, we have a soul. And each one of those things is tied to the other. Eastern medical traditions has done a better job maintaining these ancient truths than Western medicine has.
The only answer anyone ever had was some sort of medication or antibiotics. Because I’m a good little girl, I followed all their instructions to a tee and my condition only got worse. I was diagnosed with an array of things from fibromyalgia (nope it was yeast), insomnia (yup because my diet and lifestyle were literally keeping me up at night), chronic fatigue syndrome (nope, it was leaky gut and malnutrition as a result), anxiety (yup because of malnutrition and not having any meaningful help), depression (you betcha-it’s wildly depressing to have NO quality of life and feeling like utter a$$ all the time), and who knows what else. Realizing none of these things were actually going to kill me, I began my own journey of being my own health advocate.
I’d say to myself, “Wait. Didn’t God create our bodies to heal themselves? NONE of this is making ANY sense to me.” That kicked off 20 years of research. Early on I realized that the American Medical Community is NOT taught how to HEAL the human body. They are taught and even incentivized to diagnose according to their “book,” push medications, and surgeries.
Not ONE TIME as I sat in all the “best” doctors did someone ask me about diet, nutrition, & exercise or even suggest a vitamin or essential oil. Not ONE doctor conveyed to me the potential harm and adverse effects of antibiotics. Not a single one. Instead they prescribed them like candy and repeatedly furthering the problem by destroying my gut health even more. And I KNOW those people were not bad people. I KNOW they cared about me and their other patients (minus one who I walked out of and will never see that man again).
Once I stated digging further, I realized that there were people out there who clued in during medical school and in the days after medical school and pioneered their own way to create practices that facilitated true healing—but it wasn’t without a cost or significant push-back from other supposed experts.
It wasn’t until I started going to a nutritionist and then a bioidentical hormone specialist and wholistic doctor and then a neuropath/chiropractor that I started getting real answers and true relief. There were many amazing people along the way who helped point me in the right direction and provided solid resources for me to look into and consider.
For example I did some light consulting work with Carrie Korem, with Deliciously Organic. She had healed a thyroid issue with diet and exercise and had some amazing resources for me to start to dig into. Also through her I found Branch Basics, non-toxic cleaning products that they began because of their own story with chronic health. All the sudden, all sorts of people started emerging. It’s like when you buy a new car and all the sudden every car on the road is that car!
Once you start down this path you find a STAGGERING amount of people who have fought the health battle and many of them have started INCREDIBLE businesses as a result of their struggle. American ingenuity and a desire to help others—THAT’S what the REAL America is ALLLL about.
But real relief didn’t truly come for me until I sat down with my Chiropractor/Neuropath and we started regularly looking at my blood under a microscope. Remember those little needles in my blood? Well, I had a deeply entrenched yeast blood infection known as Candida. I had done a Candida diet but the infection was so bad that it didn’t even scratch the surface. I needed long term and targeted intervention. To see those yeast bundles on the screen brought me such comfort—they were SPIKEY! Of COURSE I felt like needles were flowing through my blood because there WERE! I wasn’t crazy—those doctors just weren’t equipped or trained in a way to properly help me. Awareness of their incompetence in that area and a referral to someone who could help me would have been nice, but I digress…it took a two year, targeted intervention to heal from that. I assure you, there is no “drug” out there that targets yeast in your blood—it was slow but soooo worth it!
We also did a true food allergy test—a histamine response to foods and it turns out I was highly allergic to eggs, almonds, and lettuce. Three foods I was eating a TON of thinking I was being “healthy.” My grandmother was allergic to lettuce, so while it’s definitely odd, it didn’t surprise me.
Just cutting out THOSE THREE ITEMS was utterly life changing for me. But why didn’t any single doctor I had EVER been to think to test me for this or treat me in this manner? Just like my issues were systemic, our chronic disease issue in this nation is also systemic. Also just like my issue IT IS FIXABLE!
The Entire System Needs an Overhaul
You can imagine my sheer delight and relief when I started to hear Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) speak openly about corporate capture and how our so called “leaders” and “experts” are essentially bought off and spreading HORRIBLE practices and information that are literally killing us. I lived in Italy for a summer and ate whatever I wanted and felt amazing. How is that? Food supply and lifestyle.
And then to my further delight to hear Casey Means and her brother Callie Means discuss precisely how the system works to fuel this un-health in America. Enter "Good Energy: The surprising connection between metabolism and limitless health.”
I feel like this book tells my story in the most precise way. I was floored reading it, thinking to myself, “OH MY GOSH! HALLELUJAH there is someone with influence and a position of authority to start taking down this BEAST of a system that is utterly killing us all.” Check out this book HERE. I highly recommend it.
And if you haven’t watched Casey and Calley’s (her brother) Tucker interview, view that HERE. It’s unequivocally one of the most important subjects of our time. Why? Because our children are dying and being crushed under chronic disease and obesity and I PROMISE you Ozempic is NOT the answer. It is up to us, the adults in their lives to change our OWN behavior & habits, demand better quality food, get our OWN healing going, and then teach them how to do it too.
It’s not easy to come to grips with the notion that so many of the American systems, including the medical system, is stacked against us. I didn’t want to believe it either. And not everyone in these systems are evil either. Many of them go in with a heart to help, heal, and save only to find themselves caught in a strange web. I learned that in grad school for clinical psychology. I learned SO much and was exposed to so many of differing views and career paths and it was always pretty clear who was there to make money and who was there to truly help people. I’d say that’s true for any industry.
Tune in HERE to see RJK Jr. talk about what we all know this country can be—but we must ALL engage however we can. The battle is too big for any single person—but if we ALL engage when and where we can on the issues we’re passionate about, EVERYTHING can be corrected and it can be done fairly quickly. The earth was designed to heal. Our bodies were designed to heal. IF we can give it what it needs, it will do what it is designed to do: HEAL.
The Future
Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk into a healing facility that is just that: FOR YOUR HEALING. And you could sit down with a doctor and tell them what you’re struggling with or what your symptoms are and they would respond with something like this: “Well, there are several possible causes for XYZ. It could be physical, which I can help with. It could be emotional, which Dr. B can help with. Or it could be spiritual, which Dr. C can help with. But I promise you, between the three of us and our teams, we’ll get you fixed up. Here’s where we need to start.” And then they outline a path for you…
If we can get TRUE leaders at the helm who genuinely know their stuff and care about others, we can heal this nation, our bodies, and this planet pretty quickly. But it’s time to push the liars, cheats, thieves, & con artists to the margins and demand TRUE competency in our leaders. Those who know their stuff can speak freely and directly on a subject matter and have emotional and intellectual margin to explore. They also have room for other people be thinking, questioning people—that doesn’t threaten them because they genuinely care about finding the best solutions. Those who don’t will avoid, distract, derail, demean, and spread fear in order to attempt to avoid being exposed as incompetent or wicked. Unfortunately for them, that is the very thing that exposes them.
November 5, 2024 in America will be an interesting time to see which path we’re on.